Thursday, September 24, 2015

Up from the Grave: Night Huntress Book 7- Jeanine Frost

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Frost should have quit at book 4. This book is no different. It's nice that we got to see all the characters together and Cat and Bones' relationship is as cute/strong as ever, but there really was nowhere to go after book 4. The rest of the books have been pure desperate fillers. It's heartbreaking.

This installment has yet another wild addition to the plot. It reeks of desperate measures. While the plot is all over the place, I still enjoyed the book once the action started, Cat, Bones and their crew are entertaining no matter how ridiculous their situation is.

I'm glad this is the final book and I am looking forward to the Ian spin-off if it ever happens.

Goodbye Cat and Bones, you have been good to me and you will be missed.

Enchantress of Paris- Marci Jefferson

Reviewing a free unpublished copy from NetGalley.

The only redeeming factor of this book is the last chapter. Besides the bittersweet ending and the cliché yet cute closing line this book is an absolute waste of paper and electricity for those reading on e-devices.

The book's main genre is YA, not historical fiction as it's marketed. Primarily, this is the story if an annoying girl in love with a spoilt POS King. That's it. That's the story, thank you for reading 350 pages of nothing. The End.

Despicable characters and repetitive chapters make for an extremely boring read. I couldn't care less about what happened to either the King or Marie because they're horrible people. The only reason I plowed through is to publish my review for NetGalley.

Republish this book as a Y.A., sell it to sappy teenagers and you'll have a winner. Historical Fiction? I don't think so.